Well, it's an army of ducks ... many hours have been spent generating a vast amount of ducks with the help of A.I. image generation.
To withhold these creations wouldn't do them justice, so the best of them are displayed here, in the "Army Of Ducks"!
This is a passion project, browse through those ducks, compare them, share them, or just fear them?
But this army is your army, that's why we also created some templates for you to make your own ducks that fit in seamlessly with this collection. You can submit your designs, and we'll showcase them on the site (after reviewing them).
We believe that art and creativity should be accessible to everyone, regardless of skill level or resources. I hope that Army of Ducks will inspire you to explore your own creativity and have some fun making ducks. Thanks for visiting!
If you have questions or feel the need to reach out, you can reach us at [email protected] ;)
Check out my other projects if you want: